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Herbal Remedy for Asthma and Hayfever.

Yamoa Powder has been used in Ghana for many years, to treat respiratory allergies. It is a natural product from the Funtumia Elastica gum tree, and when taken on a relatively short-term basis, can help to reverse the symptoms of conditions such as asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, sinusitis and COPD, for the long term.

Asthma is an ever-increasing problem, with as many as 18,000 new cases being diagnosed by GPs every WEEK. Every 16 minutes a child is admitted to a hospital in the UK due to asthma, and every 6 hours someone in the UK dies of asthma, that's 15,000 people a year - just in the UK.

• What are the optimum times for taking Yamoa Powder?
The guide is really just twice a day, at a decent interval of a good 6 hours - it does not have to be specifically at mealtimes, although people usually find it easier not to forget to take the dose if taken at these benchmarks in the day.
• Do I mix it in honey as and when required, or all in one go when I first receive it?
The Yamoa Powder should be emptied completely into the honey and mixed thoroughly, then stirred before each dose is taken. Using the right amount of honey/jam (approx. 1lb/454gm) ensures that the correct dose is taken. Please remember a child's dose is half a teaspoon, and that the mixture will be taken over approximately 2 months in all for a child.

• Can it be taken with anything else other than honey?
You can mix it with a jam, brown rice syrup,pure maple syrup, water or any beverage. It can also be sprinkled into babyfoods. It tastes bitter, so it is better mixed with something sweet. Please see the Babies & Children page if you are thinking of purchasing for a child or infant. If you are a diabetic, you are best advised to mix it with a low sugar carrier. We have Yamoa Powder in Capsule form, which is ideal for people who cannot take Yamoa Powder mixed in honey.

• How many pots will a complete treatment consume?
Most people find they get results within the first month. Some people obviously need more than one month, but some people do take the powder for longer for a variety of reasons. Many people find results within the first two weeks, but it is best to take the mixture until the pot is finished entirely (one month approx. for adults, two for children due to the smaller dose).

• Is it a permanent cure or does the treatment need to be repeated every year for hayfever sufferers?
It has been a long term solution for many people. We tend generally to sell second pots to people who are re-ordering on behalf of their friends or relatives rather than themselves, but obviously some people may require follow-up treatment the next month or the following year. Others tend to buy again for themselves in order to have the powder to hand 'just in case'. It is a very subjective remedy, and we cannot categorically say that you will only need the one pot, but this does tend to be the norm.

• How far in advance of the hayfever season should I take Yamoa Powder?
Hayfever sufferers have been known to take Yamoa Powder in the winter, and it has remained effective for the following hayfever season. Others have found relief from their symptoms for good after taking it for one month at the beginning of the season. Others find they take it at the beginning of the season each year. Most people who take it whilst they are suffering symptoms, find relief within a week of taking it. It is always recommended to take the dose every day until the mixture is finished completely (approx. one month for adults), even if relief is found early on in treatment. One pot (one month) is usually enough for one person.

• Does it have any known side effects?
We have had isolated reports of a reaction of a rash, water-retention, a tickly cough, stomach ache and palpitations (when taking blood pressure tablets also).

Some people may respond initially to Yamoa with what is termed as a 'healing reaction' (sometimes known as a healing 'crisis'). This is when symptoms seem to worsen before they start to improve, and it can be quite alarming for some people, particularly asthma sufferers. Please bear this in mind, and although it is rare with Yamoa, it is common with many complimentary therapies. Please be sure, particularly if you suffer from respiratory attacks such as in asthma, that you always carry your emergency medication with you at all times, even if you feel Yamoa has helped you combat your condition.

We do not recommend you take Yamoa if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you are on blood pressure medication.

If you find you are experiencing any adverse symptoms from taking Yamoa, please let us know. Please see our 'drug interactions' question.

• Are there any known drug interactions with Yamoa Powder?
We have had feedback from one lady regarding a possible interaction between Yamoa Powder and her daily dose of 0.5mg of Norvasc (blood pressure drug), resulting in palpitations which increased in severity the longer she used the powder. She ceased use of the powder, and her palpitations disappeared after a few days. This is the only drug interaction we know of to date.

Tests to establish whether it could interact with any one medication taken by any given individual are impossible to conduct due to the enormity of the task (there are so many drugs and drug combinations being taken), that we cannot give a conclusive guarantee that this will never happen, therefore it is strictly your decision as to whether you will go ahead and use Yamoa Powder whilst on your current medications.

If you experience any signs that an adverse reaction is happening to you when you take Yamoa, you must stop immediately and consult your healthcare specialist, and inform us so that we can advise others of possible interactions.

• Is it really safe? What tests have been done on it?
Yamoa has been microbiologically analysed to clinically confirm that it is free from nasties such as Salmonella and E-Coli, Faecal Coliforms and Faecal streptococci. The conclusion to the tests was: "The analyses undertaken provided no evidence of the presence of pathogenic bacteria on any of the samples examined". We commissioned the test as some people prefer to see the proof...although we have every confidence it is safe. These tests were conducted in 2001.

It has also been tested by the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine (MINISTRY OF HEALTH), Ghana, by S. Osafaro-Mensah MSc. These tests were performed between 1996 and 1998. Mr Osafaro's conclusions to the tests were "The investigation and clinical trials conducted have shown that Yamoa is safe for human use...and when the bark is dried it can be safely stored for up to 6yrs before being ground for use".

• What are the benefits to taking the capsules over the loose powder?
The main differences are the ease of use, the ability to maintain an accurate dosage and the compatability with a strict sugar or carbohydrate free diet, such as that of a diabetic or someone trying to loose weight, or even someone who needs to avoid sugars due to candidiasis, etc.

• What are the benefits to taking the loose powder over the capsules?
The loose powder is better for those suffering from seasonal allergies or hayfever when mixed with a local honey, as the honey will itself help to strengthen the immune system against local pollens. It is also more suitable for those suffering from conditions such as MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) as it does not have the added presence of magnesium stearate, as in the capsules.

• Do you know what it is in Yamoa Powder that is so effective, and if so what are the test results?
No. We do not know, and to find out would be a very costly undertaking. These kinds of tests require the finances and scientific resources of the magnitude available to multinational pharmaceutical companies. Unfortunately, due to Yamoa's very humble beginnings, these kinds of resources are unavailable to us.

However, tests are being undertaken to identify the ingredients of the bark, so that in future there may be a possibility of identifying the active constituent. Clinical trials of the powder are also due to be undertaken this year.

• I am on a colon cleanse. Should I finish the cleanse before I start Yamoa?
Yes, you should wait incase the Yamoa is evacuated from the body before it has a chance to work. Your digestive system should also be given a few days to recover and rest from the cleanse before Yamoa is started, so it would be ideal to wait for about four days to a week after the cleanse is over before starting Yamoa.

• I am pregnant. Can I take Yamoa?
We recommend that you wait until you have had your baby and finished breastfeeding beofre you start to take Yamoa.

In a recent survey by questionnaire, conducted by Dr Nyjon Eccles, the following results were found:

Yamoa Powder had a 12% failure rate for asthma and hayfever sufferers.

The cure rate for asthma was 29%, a marked improvement was experienced by 40% of asthma sufferers, and a mild improvement was experienced by 19% of people who responded to the survey.

Yamoa's cure rate for hayfever sufferers was 43%, the marked improvement rate was 34% and a mild improvement in symptoms was experienced by 11% of people suffering from hayfever.

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All the material and the information presented by Vitamin House´s are offered exclusively for educative purposes. Commentaries made about products have not been reviewed by FDA and any Health Ministry. They are not thought to diagnose, to cure, to treat or prevent any condition or disease. Please, consult with your own doctor or specialist , about the suggestions and recommendations expressed here.
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