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Is the masculine element of the flower. When we acquired it one appears like fine powder that goes from yellow color to brown clear. Its flavor is sweet.
· Composition:
· 15% of water (In its origin).
· 20% of proteins .
· 40% of amino acids .
· 30% of glucids.
· Vitamins.
· Routine (excellent for the growth).
· Trace minerals.
· The fruits and vegetables contain a 90% of water in their constitution.
· They dehydrated because if does not rust and ferments, once treated does not contain water. The demand of pollen by the dietetic market is greater every time.
· Pollen are all mineral vitamins, enzymes, stearines, amino acids, salts and oligoelementos that the human body needs. This explains how thanks to him can be gotten to obtain really amazing results in the treatment of the diverse diseases.
· ANEMIA: An extract of pollen is very powerful against the anemia of the children, in whom after days a fast increase of the hemoglobinas can be observed.
· RECONSTITUENT: Excellent intellectual reconstituyente, giving to a sensation of optimism and well-being. Very advised in depressions, irritability and neurastemia.
· GROWTH: Very adapted in the anemia. It can get to increase to 25 % red globules and the hemoglobina in 15 %.
· THINNESS: Aid to gain weight.
· DIABETES: In the space of months, the sugar level can be reduced to half and in a great number of patients, between whom they have even suffered of diabetes for more than ten years, has gotten to take place a total normailzación.
· VISION: Thanks to their content in riboflavina pollen improvement the vision.
· BEAUTY TREATMENTS: He is one of the elements that comprise of many creams of beauty since it is demonstrated that it sharpens and it smooths the skin.
· HAIR LOSS: They polen stops the caida one of the hair since it contains cistina, a sulphured aminado acid that increases the system piloso.
· PROSTATE: According to the Dr Erik Ask-Upmark of the Swedish university of Upsala they polen in pills has a successful operation on the prostate.
· INTERNAL: The constipation, the enteritis and the colibacilosis pollen combat. Its paper is regulating.
· CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE: Pollen fortifies the system the reticular system, specially the capillary, epecialmente polen of alforfón.
· PREGNANCY: When containing aminades acids increase the metabolism of the future mothers.

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