The fermentation of undigested food components (e.g. dietary fiber) is an important function of the microflora in the intestine. The composition of this flora is not a static data, but it varies in function of the ingested food, but also by the use of drugs (antibiotics). ___Al compare the flora of a person who eats according to the Western customs with the peoples that live still traditionally and who eat many plant foods, rich in fiber, we see that the microflora of these peoples is much more diverse and rich as the flora of the Western man. __La inulin and the FOS (Fructo Oligosacáridos, also called OLIGOFRUCTOSE) are glucose and fructose units short chains. Similar to the dietary fibers, inulin and oligofructose the RID almost totally of digestion in the small intestine and reach almost intact in the colon. These unions can however be used by a small group of bacteria in the large intestine: the Bifido bacteria, a group of beneficial intestinal bacteria. If the intestinal flora of a baby is still composed mostly of Bifido-bacteria, but in older people the presence of these bacteria is very reducida.___Darmocare pre is a product called "Prebiotic" and is composed of a mixture of inulin and FOS. It strengthens the intestinal flora since selectively it helps regenerate the Bifidoflora in the fat intestine. A balanced intestinal flora has several beneficial health effects. It strengthens the immune system, since most of the immune system is located in the mucosa of the intestine. In addition, Darmocare pre stimulates the functioning of the intestine on different fronts. So that the digestion of proteins is supported and given few opportunities to putrefaction processes. In addition, Darmocare pre provides a natural defecation and regulate (among others, because it drives the Peristaltic movement of the intestine). ___Advertencia per start of treatment with a pre - or probiotic can cause formation of gases and/or cramping. With the passage of time (most of the time after a week) the body adapts and these inconveniences decrease or disappear. In such a case you should reduce the initial dose to half the dose recommended for the first two weeks. It is possible that there are incompatibilities with medicines and health products. Consult an especialista.___
except prescription counter, dissolve a measuring spoon to flush in a glass of water and drink it. Do not exceed the prescribed dose.
200 grams of powder composition
by 6000 mg (approximately a raseada measuring spoon): inulin
min. 2700 mg
Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS)
min. 2790 mg
additional substances: glucose, fructose, sucrose.