Cellular descripcion__regenerador. It prevents aging and the appearance of stains on the piel.__Este lipid extract is obtained by maceration of flowers of Lys in Virgin sunflower oil. This mash brings active principles regenerative cell phones, as well as vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D and large amount of essential fatty acids, at a rate of 64%, linoleic acid primarily. Also has a high nutritional value and remineralizing by its content of minerals: calcium, zinc, potassium, gold and fosforo___llamamos lipid extract to the maceration of the aromatic plant in a Virgin first cold pressed vegetable oil. In this way, the fat-soluble active principles passed to oil plant resulting in a vegetable oil with the properties of the macerated plant, and that we will be able to use as a carrier for essential oils and esencias.__aplicacion__como facial lotion, dilution applied drops morning and night, after cleaning the piel.__Especial as a regenerator and to prevent stains from the skin. Shown in: __Pieles prematurely envejecidas.__Tratamientos anti-arrugas.__Tratamientos of manchas.__Tratamientos of cuperosis.__uneros.__forunculos.__grietas.__sabanones.__ingredientes__macerado of LYS flower on Virgin vegetable oil from sunflower. Lilium candidum / tocopherol.