It promotes circulation. It has a beneficial action on tired legs and pesadas.__Reforzado with extracts of buds and shoots jovenes.___
adults: 2 x 2 ml per day with a little water or fruit juice. Taken during meals.
Daily composition
Aesculus hippocastanum extr.
0.80 ml
Ginkgo biloba extr._0, 76 ml
Ruscus aculeatus extr._0, 54 ml
Vitis vinifera extr._0, 28 ml
Melilotus officinalis extr._0, 27 ml
Castanea sativa extr._0, 06 ml
Vitis vinifera extr.
0.03 ml
alcohol *, glycerin, horse chestnut * (20%), ginkgo * (19.1%), butcher's broom * (13.6%), vid *, sweet *, Brown *, grape seed extract, water
* ecological cultivation